OU03 Large Spring Set
Large Spring Set
Spare part for TENOB outboard motor brackets only
Spring kit contains 2 large compensating springs (OU02), 8mm bolts, nuts & "cup" washers.
For models code OU01 & OU015.
This kit has two uses:
a. Fit to a bracket which has no springs
b. If the bracket is too heavy to lift because of the motor weight then the springs can be doubled up to four. This typically is the case for motors over 8hp. The additional springs are fitted to the outside of the bracket arms. To do this change the bolts (use the longer bolts supplied in the kit) holding the existing springs and fit the extra springs under the bolt head i.e the bolt now holds the end of two springs.
The small end of the "cup" washer sits inside the spring end eye, the large end sits under the head of the nut (plus under the head of the bolt if the springs are doubled up).