Fueltreat Biocide BC-250 1L
The Complete Diesel Treatment For Your Routine Maintenance
There are many families of fungi, bacteria and yeasts that can contaminate diesel fuel. As they grow, they form sludges, slimes and films, that can bring your engine to a screaming halt!
Fueltreat Biocide BC-250 will kill the bug, keep water out of the fuel & keep the diesel in 100% condition to ensure total performance is kept up.
1 litre can treat 1000 litres of contaminated diesel or 1 litre can treat 2000 litres of fuel that is clean. Fueltreat Biocide BC-250 stops any chance of getting the bug or diesel problems again.
BC-250 is the only diesel treatment you’ll need because it…
- Cleans your injectors, and fuel system better.
- Kills bacterial and fungal contaminations (diesel bug).
- Helps separate water from your fuel.
- Is safe and easy to use.
Which Means…
- Cleaner, more efficient running.
- No more prematurely blocked filters.
- Protection against breakdowns of injection pumps and injectors.
- More reliability – means less downtime.
- More profit.
Being able to extract all of the power that your engine was designed to deliver and saving on your fuel bills are just two of the great reasons for using BC-250.
Protecting injection pumps, and injectors against breakdowns caused by water damage will slash your downtime and repair bills. And making sure that your system is free of “diesel bugs” will mean that your equipment will be working when you need it most.
BC-250 works. A transport industry award, and a history that includes treating millions of litres of diesel are testimony to its performance.
Usage Guide
BC-250 100ml treats 100 litres
BC-250 1 Litre treats 1,000 litres
BC-250 10 Litres treats 10,000 litres
FT-400 treats 90,000 litresHow to use BC-250
Workshops and Service Centres
Add BC-250 to the fuel tank when servicing diesel machinery to clean and sterilise fuel systems. This will safeguard your repairs from the potential of breakdowns caused by wet fuel and dirty fuel systems. The improved performance will also reinforce the reliability of your workmanship.
Storage tanks, Marine and Warm Humid areas
BC-250 will protect your entire fleet with one effortless treatment. Initially, use 1 litre of BC-250 per 1,000 litres of diesel. Following this, add 1 litre of BC-250 per 2,000 litres of incoming fresh fuel, to keep your engine(s) running clean and efficient.
Tip: To enhance mixing add BC-250 to the tank first… then add the fuel.
Add BC-250 to the vehicle tank when refuelling. Initially, treat the first two fills with 100ml of BC-250 per 100 litres of diesel. Routinely use at every second or third fill.
Use at service intervals.